
Delivering impact for coastal wetlands conservation

The work we do aims to improves the effectiveness of coastal wetland conservation by delivering comprehensive understanding, and online tools focussed on feasible action. Our research has contributed to:

  • Developing scientifically credible ambitious targets for global coastal wetland conservation, which are helping to inspire new conservation investment.
  • Informing on investment priorities for major conservation projects to maximise benefits for coastal wetlands.
  • Holding nations accountable for their commitments to wetland conservation through contributing to the science underpinning international conventions.


Global Coastal Wetlands Index Web App
The Global Coastal Wetlands Index Web App enables users to explore the index of coastal wetland health. Coastal wetland decision-makers can zoom into the global map, see the category their region falls into and find out what makes their coastal wetlands unique.

The Global Coastal Wetlands Index Web App helps funders identify the locations that most need conservation investment, and thereby facilitating funding of on-ground conservation works.

Mangrove Forest Fragmentation Indicators
The indicators we developed for measuring mangrove forest fragmentation were included on the list of variables for nations to monitor progress towards their commitments to the international Convention on Biological Diversity.

Our indicators contribute towards keep nations accountable for progress on their commitments to international conventions.

Mangrove Carbon Web App
We publicly launched the Mangrove Carbon Web App that enables users to explore the contribution of mangrove protection to mitigating carbon emissions around the world. Nations measure the amount of carbon stored in their forests and wetlands when calculating their total carbon emissions. The predictions tell us how much carbon would be stored in mangrove forests if deforestation was prevented.

Our predictions help keep nations accountable for progress on their commitments to international greenhouse gas conventions, and help nations identify mangrove conservation as a tool to meet their greenhouse gas mitigation commitments. 

Target-setting for Coastal Ecosystem Recovery
We developed the Target-setting for Coastal Ecosystem Recovery Web App. This web app allows the user to run models to see the rates of protection and restoration for mangroves and seagrass that are achievable for countries around the world.

Ambitious targets are needed to inspire the investment we need to save coastal wetlands.

State of the Worlds Mangrove Report
The State of the World’s Mangrove Report 2021” was published by the Global Mangrove Alliance (GMA). We were one of three global research providers who contributed to this report. Specifically, our modelling provided scientifically credible support for the GMA’s goal about the area of global mangrove restoration to be achieved by 2030.

We provide scientifically credible targets, which underpins trust and will help motivate investment in conservation actions.

Out of the Blue: The Value of Seagrasses to the Environment and to People
The first global synthesise of seagrasses ecosystems, “Out of the Blue: The Value of Seagrasses to the Environment and to People” was published by UN Environmental Programme (UNEP-WCMC). Director Professor Rod Connolly, Research Leader Associate Professor Chris Brown and PhD Candidate Laura Griffiths contributed and co-authored the report. The report aims to improve the understanding of seagrass and provide conservation and management recommendations.

We are one of many contributing to raising the the international profile of seagrass meadows – an overlooked habitat.